A Few Simple Vietnamese Greeting Phrases

When traveling to Vietnam, you should learn a few simple Vietnamese greeting phrases, it will help you to create a friendly atmosphere with the local people. Most of the following phrases are used for daily conversations, so they can be useful if you remember them.

HelloXin chào(seen chow)
GoodbyeTạm biệt(tam byet)
Good morningChào buổi sáng(chow buh sang)
Good afternoonChào buổi chiều(chow buh chieu)
Good eveningChào buổi tối(chow buh toy)
Good nightChúc ngủ ngon(Chuc ngu ngon)
How are you?Bạn có khỏe không?(ban co kwe khome?)
I’m fine, thank youCảm ơn bạn, tôi khỏe(gahm un ban thoy kwe)
And you?Bạn thì sao?(ban ty sao?)
What’s your name?Bạn tên gì?(ban thane zee)
My name is…Tôi tên là…(thoy thane la…)
Thank youCảm ơn(gahm un)
You’re welcomeKhông có gì(khom ga zee)
Excuse me…Xin lỗi(seen loy)
I’d like to eatTôi muốn ăn(thoy moowan un)
I’d like to drinkTôi muốn uống(thoy moowan oowanh)
BadKhông tốt(khome thote)
How muchBao nhiêu(bow nyew)
Too expensiveMắc quá(mahk qwa)
HotelKhách sạn(khack san)
CoffeeCà phê(cah feh)

Please watch the following video clip and learn from it!

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